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NAME : Goose

AKA : sUk_mY_k!sS

Position : 12G MEMBER

H.Q. : Bolton

D.O.B : 25/07/85


E.mail : goose_20001@hotmail.com

ICQ : 127377494

know hideouts : Aztec, office,inferno and train

known 2 carry : colt. m3 super,errr the ump 45

Quote : "keep talkin' like a bitch an' i'll slap ye' like a bitch"

known 2 carry guns and use them!!!!
u hav been warned....


The story begins on a lonely Friday evening when a phone call came to a certain house in the little town of Bolton. The phone was picked up and a few minutes l8er it was slammed down and the words FUKIN YEAH!!!!! WE HAVE CABLE BOYS AND GIRLS were screamed loudly for sometimes afterwards.

*Few nights l8er* a character known as Goose appeared on demon servers playing cs, he wasnt good, infact he was ridiculed at first as his skills were somewhat poor. He decided to stick at it however and eventually became a proficient cs player. But there was still one thing missing, a gun he had never used as it was too hard. But one day he decided to buy this weapon, it was of course the benelli m3 super. Soon the carnage begun with screams of CHEATER by n00bs who felt the firey end of goose shotgun

He finally found 12-GAUGES and his life was complete, amongst other mad bastards who loved the m3 super he began to run wild over demon servers and became known by many..THIS BIRD IS CONSIDERED VERY DANGEROUS AND NOT TO BE THOGHT OF AS EASY MEAT!!!!!!!!! It has also been known for this mysterious bird to go KiLlFrEnZy and kill all those in his way..be afraid be VERY afraid

Click here 4 Gooses clq scores