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Since I have been playing Counter-Strike i hav found that the Benelli M3 Super 90 Shotgun is my favourite weapon 2 use. here is a summery of wot i hav picked up:=


A shell fired from a M3 releases 8 pellets, each knockin off 15 HPs at close range (about 1 - 2 meters). The further away u r, the wider the spread will b, and the less damage they'll do. A single near-pointblank blast should K.O an enemy instantly, sumtimes they might b unlucky and die slowly, so ull hav 2 shoot him again. I prefer the M3 instead of the M4 because it's a lot cheaper, and the latter have a tendency of running of shells without you even knowing it.

The M3 was meant 4 close-quarters combat, but it can still be effectively up to about 8 meters, which I consider to be mid-range. When you come across a victim at this range, the first thing to do is DONT PANIC!!! Start strafing to either directions while jumping towards them, fixing the crosshair at your opponent. Aim for the chest area. The moment the crosshair is alined, blast him 2 hell. The M3 Shotgun is a single-shot weapon, and the important thing is to get a proper aim. 2 to 3 shots should send him to hell and back, as this is 1.3 now, u will occqasionally get a headshot.

The M3 is quite heavy and can slow you down your movement. it's more difficult to aim and enemies welding machine gunz can take you down with a panicked burst of fire. Left-right strafing forces your enemy to track you with their crosshairs, which is difficult. And jumping sends them in2 panic. Often the panic induced by the loss of 40 point health loss per second makes this even more true.

Facing an opponent up-close can be more difficult, as it relies more on luck. The crucial factor is to get the first shot. Be warery in tight corridors. Should the shot fail and both of you are still alive, DONT allow him to out-maneuver you. Point the crosshair at his face and just tap the fire button, and he'd be all over the walls soon enough.

At long-range, the best u can do is to scratch your opponent, usually nockin off less than 10HP. so if you come accross a sniper in open space, the first thing 2 do is make sur ur not spotted. if he notices you, try 2 avoid the bullets by jupin left and right. also hide bhind walls and boxes on the way (TOP TIP - AWPs take a while 2 set up a new shot, so hide bhind a box when he fires, GO!! then wait bhind sumthing else until he fires again, then GO!!) at the same time try firing at him constantly while you move. Less experienced players may get scared and back off. Experienced ones will sit through the whole thing and attempt to get a good shot. If he doesn't notice you, you are in luck. Nothing's more satasfiying than taking out a sniper from bhind. Try to sneak up to his hiding place, and crouch if you have to climb a ladder as it nulls out the sound.

an area of CS that is gr8ly 4gotten about, but is 1 of the gr8est tactics around is the mini squads. WOTS THIS U SAY??? PPL R ALWAYS GOING AROUND IN MINI SQUADS??? this may b so, but they r not utalised propaly as they either split up or they all hav the wrong combination of weapons. 1 of the best combinations is a group of 4 ppl 1 having a colt, 2 ppl having shotguns and the 4th (he sez under h8ed breath) an AWP or some sort of sniper rifle. if the shotguners and the colt man hold off all the close combat stuff, the sniper can handle the long rangers. if the sniper dies, then sum1 else picks up the gun. if they stay 2 gether, u should b able 2 take out a lot of enemies. (best xecuted on open maps e.g. dust, dust 2, cbble, or aztec)

If you notice that your team is constantly engaging the other team at a specific space, try to rush and attack them from the back. Many maps allow this. examples is the back stairs on virtigo. Once you get to the back of the enemy, stay calm, take them out one by one. They might not even notice. if u r on a 20 ppl serva, this may b difficult as there are lots of players, which is when the techniques I mentioned above will come in handy. If you constantly find yourself killed by small groups of enemies, either stick to your team or form a similar mini-group.

Above is an xample of 1 of the best ways that a mini team can work 2 gether, u got the long range of the colt (but a sniper would probably b better 4 this situation....wot am i sayin....well it would work better with a sniper, but im not encoreging ppl 2 buy 1) and the close range power of the m3...a bigger group consisting of a shotgun, colt and sniper rifle would acount 4 all three different ranges..(thats long range i.e..sniper , medium range i.e..colt and short range i.e..shotgun..


B4 i finnish, If you have some spare cash on ya, it's a good idea to get a side arm, the Desert Eagle is a good choice or ne other side arm that u feel comfortable with. If you run out of shells in a crucial moment whip out your pistol and finish the job. The Desert eagle is a powerful sidearm and will also enable you to blast through some walls, it is also more effectively at long range then the shotgun.


when reloading a shot gun, remember 2 reload as often as u can, as u can always fire during reload sequences. but make sure that if ur not in the middle of a battle that u dont let other ppl hear u reload as the reload sequence can b heard meters away, and will ur enemies discover where u r.


If u can, try this:
when u hav selected a victim, jump in2 him/her and fire, when still in the air, b4 u land, reload - do this 4 all the shots u fire and u wont run out of ammo.

although this is a hard trick 2 pull off, it is VERY affective and has saved me on many a' time. :P

that is all i hav 2 say 4 now...

Happy Hunting